Sophie is a twenty-year-old American woman who has lived all her solitary life in a bubble. During a vacation in Palermo with her sister, she meets Giulio and his group of Sicilian friends. Anxious to let go and live life to the hilt, Sophie decides to walk along the edge of disaster and gets sucked into a vortex of risky behavior that turns a mere romp on the wild side into a heart-pumping fight for survival – and redemption.
2.0 赫爾戈蘭島[電影解說]
2024 電影解說簡介: Helgoland is set in 2034 after after a global apocalypse, where the North Sea island of Helgoland has become humanity's last safe haven. A totalitarian society has been established that only allows 513 people on the island and as resources are scarce, an inhumane 'social ranking' system evaluates the lives of the inhabitants according to their 'usefulness.' At there same time, a dangerous force from the mainland prepares to invade. -
2.0 零日風暴[電影解說]
1.0 貓頭鷹謀殺案[電影解說]
2.0 真命天師[電影解說]
9.0 漂白2025[電影解說]
2025 電影解說簡介: 這一年,雪城的冬天奇寒徹骨。在一座普通的居民樓里,發(fā)生了一起慘絕人寰的分尸案,就連身經百戰(zhàn)的刑警隊長彭兆林見了都不禁毛骨悚然。他無法原諒自己的是,曾與嫌犯鄧立鋼在樓道里擦肩而過,誰知這一錯過就是十年。鄧立鋼等人流竄各地瘋狂作案,專門綁架勒索殘殺“夜店女郎”。重案組輾轉數省追兇卻功虧一簣。這個犯罪團伙突然銷聲匿跡,他們通過非法手段洗白身份,過起安居樂業(yè)的日子。在他們作案中有一位受害人叫甄珍,她在被綁架途中找準時機逃脫成功,但是這次經歷讓她久久不能忘記,為此她擦去痛苦的記憶努力考上警校,成為女警官。然而,甄珍和彭兆林卻時常從噩夢中驚醒,年輕女孩猶如待宰的羔羊,凄慘的哭聲縈繞在耳旁揮之不去。在很多年以后甄珍警官同彭兆林根據一條不起眼的信息撬開了塵封懸案,他們踏上了千里緝兇的征程...… -
1.0 過把癮[電影解說]