患有腦癱的劉春和(易烊千璽 飾)勇敢沖破身心的枷鎖,為外婆(林曉杰 飾)圓夢舞臺的同時,也彌合了與媽媽(蔣勤勤 飾)的關(guān)系,并努力尋求著自己人生的坐標。在經(jīng)歷一個盛夏的蛻變后,他終于踏上了新的旅程。
- 2.0 女人如花[電影解說]
- 6.0 怪談新耳袋 絕叫篇 右 牛女[電影解說]
2024 電影解說簡介: Written by the director himself, the story revolves around an “absent” hero: an astronaut lost in the emptiness of space. His absence is spoken about indirectly here, from planet Earth. He was the nation’s son, loved and admired by all. But he’s primarily always on the mind of his little sister Elsa, who’s the real “fully present” heroine in this story. Elsa has lived her life and her childhood by proxy, sustaining herself off the dreams and ambitions of her older brother and hero. He was her point of reference and her daily inspiration. While he floats around, somewhere up there, in the ether, Elsa also drifts, right here on Earth…
2014 電影解說簡介: 馬來西亞富商雷鳴(黃百鳴 飾)與死對頭楊亞偉(曾志偉 飾)二人多年來斗生斗死,這次要斗快抱孫! 雷鳴得知楊亞偉正期待兒子Alex(林德信 飾)與兒媳珊珊(吳千語 飾)誕下男孫,怒不可遏,就要挾二世祖侄孫雷帶子(鄭中基 飾)與侄孫媳婦雪兒(薛凱琪 飾)傳宗接代,否則停止二人的生活資金。更重金禮聘天王級催生陪月婆宮三(吳君如 飾)嚴格監(jiān)管,雖然起初令二人夫妻生活翻天覆地,但卻間接重拾了夫妻間久違了的激情和浪漫,展開了活色生香的“生育的進擊”。雷鳴確診患有老年癡呆,為了圓其心愿,雪兒假裝大肚,并向有孕在身的黛黛(熊黛林 飾)和秀波(于波 飾)夫婦求助,欲借其子瞞過叔公。不料想生產(chǎn)當日,楊亞偉出現(xiàn),眾人精心編造的彌天大謊眼看就要拆穿······
- 8.0 至高利益[電影解說]
- 7.0 航班蛇患[電影解說]